Monday 10 September 2012

Episode I : September 1st

Tulisan ini saya buat tepat di tanggal 1 September 2012. Walaupun sudah berlalu 9 hari, tapi sepertinya tidak akan masalah bila saya pajang disini.

Seperti yang telah saya katakan sebelumnya, saya baru dapat menulis sesuatu yang saya sukai.


The pair of narrow eyes
Who would be blamed if its spiraling
Around my mind?

Haunt me when I'm sleep
Stalk me when I'm not look my back
Just my luck

Then I cross my hair well
Enjoyed all the time looking around my knees

Did I clean it well?

Haunt me when I'm sleep
Stalk me when I'm not look my back
Just my luck

And now 1st September
Oh well you know everything is not change
So did my heart that spoke clearly,
Pure as your narrow eyes


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